100 research outputs found

    Possibility of Identifying the Logical-Mathematical Giftedness with Students of Lower Primary School Grades through Evaluations

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    The objective of this work is examination of co-ordinance amongst assessments of logical-mathematical giftedness with young primary school students, made by four groups of evaluators: teachers, parents, coevals and self-evaluators. Teachers of 11 primary schools selected at the area of Republic Srpska were assigned to follow Instructions for Nomination and select most capable students of Years Three and Four, who would be directly involved in the research. An evaluation of logical-mathematical giftedness was performed on a sample of 151 named students, using an instrument created for the needs of this research. The results have shown a high level co-ordinance in evaluation of logical-mathematical giftedness between teachers and students and between parents and coevals, which leads to a conclusion that there is a scientific justification to innovate the teaching process while working with gifted students at primary schools, by applying a questionnaire developed for evaluation of logical-mathematical giftedness to be done by teachers, parents, students and coevals. This work allows a space for forming data bases on evaluations of students’ abilities, in order to plan the next step which would be creating a predictive model based upon likelihood and expectations as to the possibility of identifying giftedness

    Hemijska svojstva i poboljšanje kvaliteta krmnih leguminoza

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    Fresh, dried or preserved, forage legumes are highly suitable for use as roughage in the animal diet because of their richness in protein, vitamins, and mineral matter. Previous work on forage legumes breeding for improved quality has mostly focused on increasing the crude protein content of these crops. Another major parameter of forage legume quality, especially from the point of view of ruminant nutrition, is the in vitro digestibility of dry matter. Values of both these parameters decrease with age in all forage legumes due to a reduced leat to stem ratio and lignification. The decrease in digestibility after budding comes as a result of an increased lignin content and a rise in the proportion of starch polysaccharides. In the context of forage quality, especially important from the point of view of ruminant nutrition is the relation between structural and nonstructural carbohydrates. Structural carbohydrates include neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF), while non-structural ones are mostly starch. The latest efforts in forage legume breeding should encompass certain specific traits in order to completely fulfill the needs for safe feed in animal husbandry.Krmne leguminoze kao kabasta stočna hrana u svežem stanju, osušene ili konzervisane su izvanrednog kvaliteta za ishranu stoke jer su bogate proteinima, vitaminima i mineralnim materijama. Dosadašnji pravci u oplemenjivanju krmnih leguminoza na bolji kvalitet su prevashodno bili usmereni na veći sadržaj proteina. Drugi važan parametar kvaliteta krmnih leguminoza, naročito s aspekta ishrane preživara je in vitro svarljivost suve materije. Vrednost oba ova parametra kvaliteta opada sa starenjem kod svih krmnih leguminoza kao rezultat smanjenja udela lista u odnosu na stabljiku i procesa lignifikacije. Opadanje svarljivosti nakon faze butonizacije se javlja kao posledica povećanog sadržaja lignina i povećanog udela strukturnih polisaharida. Posebno mesto u ovom domenu kvaliteta krme, s aspekta ishrane preživara zauzima odnos strukturnih i nestrukturnih ugljenih hidrata. U strukturne spadaju neutralna deterdžentska vlakna (NDF - neutral detergent fiber) i kisela deterdžentska vlakna (ADF - acid detergent fiber), dok nestrukturne pretežno čini skrob. Novije pravce u oplemenjivanju krmnih leguminoza na kvalitet trebalo bi usmeriti i na neka specifična svojstva kako bi se u potpunosti za potrebe stočarstva obezbedila zdravstveno-bezbedna hrana

    An Automated System for Stock Market Trading Based on Logical Clustering

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    In this paper a novel clustering-based system for automated stock market trading is introduced. It relies on interpolative Boolean algebra as underlying mathematical framework used to construct logical clustering method which is the central component of the system. The system uses fundamental analysis ratios, more precisely market valuation ratios, as clustering variables to differentiate between undervaluated and overvaluated stocks. To structure investment portfolio, the proposed system uses special weighting formulas which automatically diversify investment funds. Finally, a simple trading simulation engine is developed to test our system on real market data. The proposed system was tested on Belgrade Stock Exchange historical data and was able to achieve a high rate of return and to outperform the BelexLine market index as a benchmark variable. The paper has also provided in-depth analysis of the system’s investment decision making process which reveals some exciting insights

    Komponente prinosa semena lucerke u zavisnosti od sistema kosidbe

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    To ensure high and stable seed yields, in regions with semi humid climate, it is necessary to prevent the luxuriant growth of alfalfa plants and their subsequent lodging. The most effective method of controlling rank growth in alfalfa is cutting. Effect of cutting schedule on alfalfa seed yield was studied in four-year experiments (2001-2004). Four cutting schedules with variable dates of initial cutting were tested: first cutting for hay was carried out on May 5 (budding) in the c1 schedule, on May 15 (start of flowering) in the c2 schedule, on May 25 (full flowering) in the c3 schedule, and on May 5 and June 5 in the c4 schedule. Second regrowth was used for seed production in the c1-c3 schedules, and third regrowth in the c4 schedule. The study involved the seven most widely grown alfalfa cultivars in Serbia, six domestic and one French. The single late cut (c3 schedule) achieved the best balance among the yield components and thus the highest seed yield (468 kg/ha). Significant positive correlations were found between seed yield on one side and the number of fertile shoots per unit area and the number of pods per inflorescence on the other, r = 0.608 and r = 0.837, respectively.Da bi se osiguralo postizanje visokih i stabilnih prinosa semena potrebno je sprečiti suviše bujan rast i poleganje lucerke. Najefikasnija mera kojom se utiče na bujnost lucerke je kosidba useva. Takođe, kosidbom se određuje kalendarski rok početka i dužina trajanja faze cvetanja semenskog useva, kako bi se cvetanje podudarilo sa maksimalnom aktivnošću insekata oprašivača, što je od presudnog značaja za prinos semena lucerke. U cilju utvrđivanja komponenti prinosa, prinosa i kvaliteta semena lucerke u zavisnosti od sistema kosidbe semenskog useva izvršena su četvorogodišnja ispitivanja na Rimskim Šančevima. Ispitivana su četiri sistema kosidbe: rani sistem - kosidba krmnog otkosa 05. maja (u fazi butonizacije), srednje rani sistem - kosidba 15. maja (u fazi početka cvetanja), kasni sistem - kosidba 25. maja (u fazi punog cvetanja) i proizvodnja semena iz trećeg otkosa (kosidba 05. maja i 05. juna). Ispitivanje je izvršeno na sedam najrasprostranjenijih sorti lucerke u Srbiji, šest domaćih i jedna francuska

    Poster 6. - Službena kontrola glutena u bezglutenskoj hrani

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    Gluten je proteinska frakcija pšeničnog endosperma koja se sastoji od glutenina i glijadina ili nekih sličnih bjelančevina kod drugih žitarica. Kod pojedinih osoba postoji genetska sklonost prema nepodnošljivosti na gluten odnosno njegovu frakciju glijadin. Svaka prisutnost glutena kod tih osoba izaziva složeni obrambeni odgovor organizma u obliku simptoma tipičnih za celijakiju. Gluten kao bjelančevina prirodno je prisutan u žitaricama kao što su pšenica, raž, ječam, zob, a nalazimo ga i u svim proizvodima dobivenim iz tih žitarica. Posredno može biti prisutan i u složenoj hrani kao sastojak modificiranog škroba, kao nosač za arome i aditive ili kao pomoćno sredstvo u proizvodnji. Osobe oboljele od celijakije ne smiju konzumirati namirnice koje sadrže gluten, iz razloga što i tragovi glutena kod njih mogu izazvati oštećenja sluznice tankog crijeva. Osnovna terapija za takve bolesnike je stroga bez glutenska dijeta. Kako bi im se omogućilo i olakšalo osmišljavanje jelovnika s hranom bez glutena na tržištu nalazimo veliki broj proizvoda označenih oznakom „ne sadrži gluten“. Međutim, zbog sigurnosti i zaštite osoba oboljelih od celijakije bitna je i dodatna kontrola takvih proizvoda koji se nalaze na tržištu, a provodi se u okviru službenih kontrola. Gluten je u uzorcima određen imunnozimatskom metodom (ELISA). Korišten je kit Romer Labsa koji sadrži sve potrebne reagense i standarde. Navedenom metodom gluten se određuje u rasponu koncentracija od 4 do 200 mg/kg. Koncentracija glutena očita se na osnovu izmjerenih ekstinkcija iz kalibracijske krivulje od 5 točaka. U periodu od sedam godina u okviru službene kontrole ispitano je 160 uzoraka hrane s oznakom „ne sadrži gluten“. Od 160 ispitanih uzoraka samo dva uzorka su bila zdravstveno neispravna glede povećanog sadržaja glutena. Obzirom na sve veći asortiman takvih proizvoda na tržištu i sve veću učestalost raznih oblika intolerancije na gluten, nužna je službena kontrola te provjera istinitosti navoda na deklaraciji takvih proizvoda

    Poster 6. - Službena kontrola glutena u bezglutenskoj hrani

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    Gluten je proteinska frakcija pšeničnog endosperma koja se sastoji od glutenina i glijadina ili nekih sličnih bjelančevina kod drugih žitarica. Kod pojedinih osoba postoji genetska sklonost prema nepodnošljivosti na gluten odnosno njegovu frakciju glijadin. Svaka prisutnost glutena kod tih osoba izaziva složeni obrambeni odgovor organizma u obliku simptoma tipičnih za celijakiju. Gluten kao bjelančevina prirodno je prisutan u žitaricama kao što su pšenica, raž, ječam, zob, a nalazimo ga i u svim proizvodima dobivenim iz tih žitarica. Posredno može biti prisutan i u složenoj hrani kao sastojak modificiranog škroba, kao nosač za arome i aditive ili kao pomoćno sredstvo u proizvodnji. Osobe oboljele od celijakije ne smiju konzumirati namirnice koje sadrže gluten, iz razloga što i tragovi glutena kod njih mogu izazvati oštećenja sluznice tankog crijeva. Osnovna terapija za takve bolesnike je stroga bez glutenska dijeta. Kako bi im se omogućilo i olakšalo osmišljavanje jelovnika s hranom bez glutena na tržištu nalazimo veliki broj proizvoda označenih oznakom „ne sadrži gluten“. Međutim, zbog sigurnosti i zaštite osoba oboljelih od celijakije bitna je i dodatna kontrola takvih proizvoda koji se nalaze na tržištu, a provodi se u okviru službenih kontrola. Gluten je u uzorcima određen imunnozimatskom metodom (ELISA). Korišten je kit Romer Labsa koji sadrži sve potrebne reagense i standarde. Navedenom metodom gluten se određuje u rasponu koncentracija od 4 do 200 mg/kg. Koncentracija glutena očita se na osnovu izmjerenih ekstinkcija iz kalibracijske krivulje od 5 točaka. U periodu od sedam godina u okviru službene kontrole ispitano je 160 uzoraka hrane s oznakom „ne sadrži gluten“. Od 160 ispitanih uzoraka samo dva uzorka su bila zdravstveno neispravna glede povećanog sadržaja glutena. Obzirom na sve veći asortiman takvih proizvoda na tržištu i sve veću učestalost raznih oblika intolerancije na gluten, nužna je službena kontrola te provjera istinitosti navoda na deklaraciji takvih proizvoda

    The role of ecotourism in community development: The case of the Zasavica Special Nature Reserve, Serbia

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    This study explores local community attitudes toward ecotourism as a form of sustainable tourism in the Zasavica Special Nature Reserve in Serbia using the Sustainable Tourism Attitude Scale (SUS-TAS). Residents of the Zasavica Special Nature Reserve acknowledge the sociocultural and economic benefits of ecotourism development while recognizing the negative impacts of development on the natural environment. Low awareness of non-charismatic species among residents contrasts with strong awareness of them among large communities of scientists and naturalists in Serbia. This study shows the importance of local community support for ecotourism and conservation development. Moreover, the study revealed that the SUS-TAS scale can be successfully applied in ecotourism research


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    The paper presents the results of research on the impact of rootstocks of different origins on the yield and fruit weight of watermelons. Field research was conducted in 2021 at the Kobišnica site in the vicinity of Negotin, on chernozem soil. Two varieties of watermelon were used as a test material (namely, Mirsini F1 and Crimson sweet), as well as two rootstocks of different origins (namely, Emphasis F1 and Strong Tosa F1). Research results have showed that the average fruit weight of the yield per plant and the total yield of the Mirsini F1 variety grafted on the Emphasis F1 rootstock was higher than in the same variety grafted on the Strong Tosa F1 rootstock. The average fruit weight of yield per plant and the total yield of the Crimson sweet variety grafted on the Emphasis F1 rootstock has also showed better results in comparison to the same variety grafted on the Strong Tosa F1 rootstock.&nbsp

    Importance of progeny testing in alfalfa breeding (Medicago sativa L.)

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    The objective of this paper was to assess the importance and effectiveness of progeny tests that can be used in alfalfa breeding for increased green forage yields and shoot number per plant. A total of 35 alfalfa genotypes of different geographic and genetic origins were analyzed. The results of the study have shown that crossing full-sib or half-sib parents leads to a significant increase in yield and shoot number per plant. Significant inbreeding depression was observed in the S1 progenies of all the genotypes involved. The choice of alfalfa parents must be based on progeny analysis. Which particular method will be used will depend on the objective of the breeding program

    Variranje sadržaja proteina, strukturnih ugljenih hidrata, ulja i mineralnih materija u lucerki

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    Lucerne is the most important source of protein, fiber, and mineral substances in ruminant nutrition. The objective of this study was to chemically analyze the new lucerne cultivars for the levels of protein, fiber, oil and mineral substances during the year (4 cuts). According to the results, the cultivars differed significantly in their crude protein, fiber, and mineral matter contents. The crude protein content was significantly higher in the first cutting than in the others, while the fiber content was significantly increased in the second and third cuts, i.e. in the warmest part of the year. The P and K contents were the highest in the first and the lowest in the fourth cutting, while the Ca and Na levels did not vary significantly over the year.Lucerka je najznačajniji izvor proteina, strukturnih ugljenih hidrata i mineralnih materija u ishrani preživara. Cilj rada je bio da se hemijskim analizama odredi sadržaj proteina, strukturnih ugljenih hidrata, ulja i mineralnih materija kod novih sorti lucerke u toku godine (I-IV otkos). Sorte su se značajno razlikovale u sadržaju sirovih proteina, strukturnih ugljenih hidrata, i mineralnih materija. Značajno veći sadržaj sirovih proteina je dobijen u prvom otkosu, a strukturnih ugljenih hidrata u drugom i trećem otkosu, u najtoplijem delu godine. Sadržaj P i K je bio najveći u prvom, a najmanji u četvrtom otkosu, a sadržaj Ca i Na se nije značajno menjao tokom godine. Najsvarljiviju suvu materiju ima prvi otkos (64%), a najmanju treći (57%). Konzumiranje suve materije bilo bi najveće u prvom otkosu, 2,9 % od telesne mase, a najmanje u II i III otkosu (2,4%). Relativna vrednost hraniva je najveća u prvom otkosu 144, a najmanja u trećem 103. Kvalitet suve materije lucerke zavisi od većeg broja parametara koje treba oceniti i odrediti njihovu međusobnu povezanost. U hladnijim i vlažnim ekološkim uslovima veći je sadržaj sirovih proteina, ulja i mineralnih materija (I otkos), a u toplim i suvim je veći sadržaj strukturnih ugljenih hidrata (II i III otkos)